Home Efficiency and Optimization Issues of AC and Indoor Air Quality

Issues of AC and Indoor Air Quality

emergency ac service

When summer just begins and your air conditioner breaks down-a sudden stop-you may want to call for emergency ac service; it’s not quite that simple. In case an AC is in distress, the quality of air indoors can depreciate, and what was once clean air can become hazardous. It almost sounds too unbelievable to be true. So, let’s get down to brass tacks.

Air conditioners are designed to operate like your morning cup of coffee, but sometimes they just don’t.

The most direct symptom of AC issues is when it fails to control the humidity in the air. Excessive moisture attracts mold and mildew. Mold is not a small issue. It sends out spores faster than rumors spread in small towns. Breathing in too much of this airborne troublemaker can stir up allergies or make asthma go wild. If suddenly you’re sneezing more than your Aunt Sally’s cat-loving neighbor, there might be more than dust bunnies at work. Or it could be that an air conditioner actually means malfunctioning. Dusty confetti covers everything and is in the air. It is not taken good care of, and children and elderly people have a problem breathing.

Ever notice that weird chemical smell emanating from somewhere in the house? That would be leaking refrigerant, and it is not especially nice. The chemicals within the leak are noxious; too much can make one lightheaded or give headaches.

Other times, wiring problems can cause such a pungent, burnt smell-like that of a school experiment gone wrong. That may indicate wires burnt out or otherwise damaged within the system. It is usually not a nice smell. My friend Dave calls, complaining of his cranky AC giving him sinus headaches. He waited too long to call a good HVAC guy who showed him the poor air quality was making his home unbea-. Lesson? Sometimes it gets just right; it needs the assistance of an AC.

Number two is airflow: clogged vents, dirty filters, bad AC, and your house smells like a moldy pool.

Stale air is heavy, stale-smelling, and interior spaces are just about as inviting as the sweaty area around a gym locker. And how about the temperature differential? One room could be cool while the other is like a bread oven. Ups and downs in temperature in these extremities mean that something is wrong with the AC. Uneven temperatures aren’t only uncomfortable but also annoying. Life is already mysterious, adding to it is chaos in climates. This could very well bring the standstill of daily activities. Sometimes you might be feeling okay, sometimes stressed, but not everything is bad. Keeping an eye on your air conditioning and seeking help whenever it may be needed can save the day from getting big: spend a little now rather than much later. Plus, when the air indoors is as refreshing as a splash of cold water on a summer day, you’ll thank yourself for tending to your AC’s tantrum. If it acts up, your air conditioner isn’t just acting up; it is about your comfort. It may be a good time to give some TLC to a cooling unit keeping the home comfortable.

Breathe Easy: Easy AC Maintenance

Ever felt that cool breeze from the AC? What if it suddenly starts going funky? Time for cleanup, or time to call that emergency AC service. Let’s go with upgrading your air conditioner without being in a panic for better air quality.

Start with the filters; they are the stomach of your AC, filtering out the bad stuff.

A clogged filter puts the brakes on your air conditioner’s functionality; it is something akin to the felling when one has eaten one too many jalapeños. Change or clean every 30-60 days. Check more frequently when one has pets because of hair and dust.

Now the messy stuff, life itself: vanes, coils. Dust bunnies block the vanes of your AC. Turn the unit off and open the vanes, then clean it inside. Much better! The coils are the heart of your AC.

Keep them clean, so as to have fresh air; vacuum them or gently use a soft brush.

Take it outside: Living things, including your AC condenser, detest stagnation. That’s your powerhouse outdoors in that big metal box. Try to clear out weeds and other junk around it so it has some space. All it needs is just a little room to breathe-the condenser. Spray down does an excellent job of cleaning off dirt and grime, with nature’s pressure washer working well for that. Don’t let the AC drip tray be the last thing on your mind; these are the things that make for the worst pest infestation due to neglect. Wipe the standing water and scrub it real good. Fix the problems with vinegar or bleach, and no pests will ever live in your AC! It’s elusive and health hazardous. When it infects the ducts, this problem becomes serious. Take a fine cleaner and cloth, smear at those places mold may develop. Clean ducts amount to clean lungs and that is what all of us want to have.

Sensors hardly get any credit until they fail. “A bad sensor is like having a GPS telling you you’re driving through the ocean. Just check the evaporator coil; perhaps it only needs a light wipe. Now, become an amateur sleuth: weak airflow? A blockage somewhere. Noises? Something’s loose in there. Bad odor, microbes. Really, you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes, but a little investigation does help. Overwhelmed? Don’t be-you are not alone. Let an expert minimize your stress while keeping you cool until your AC is fixed. A clean AC prolongs the life of your AC and purifies the air for your family. Little things count-like that one friend who always shares a piece of gum. As good as working indoors may feel, do not overdo it. Health comes first; fresh air is a must. Just give this a try, and the AC will thank you!


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