Is it not ironic that this happens on the hottest of days? It’s almost a bad joke. When you want to be cool, you’re sweating which upsets you. You are not alone and you need emergency ac service.
It’s July and it’s hot outside. Your home has morphed into a Crock-Pot. You instinctively know what you’re supposed to do, attempting to adjust the thermostat in an attempt to make it stop. Why does that happen with the same frequency as your uncle makes bad jokes?
Like the overworked assistant, pressure builds up on the AC. When for weeks it was ‘out of work’ waiting for mild weather, now it has to work harder and shall come under stress. In case it is unable to take the load, some of the parts may fail.
While these blocked air filters usually pass unnoticed, they become particularly hazardous in summer heats. While they clean out dust day after day, the high temperature restricts the flow of air and overloads the system. It’s like going to run a marathon having a cold-Your air conditioner runs under that stress.
Much like with Grand-momma’s swing chair, age matters; character builds up with degrading of the air conditioner. Over time, small glitches grow into larger flaws, part fail, efficiency drops, and-well, the unit will quit.
Refrigerant leaks will affect all the occupants of your home. It is small and may not be easily detected. However, like a hyper child, it slowly amplifies into an irritable monster. Low amounts of refrigerant cannot pull heat from your home and drastically reduce the cooling power.
Frozen coils can be due to any extreme heat, too. Poor airflow or low amounts of refrigerant lower the temperature of the evaporator coil, and thus the condensation on it freezes. Much like that slushie gives you brain freeze, these coils slow your unit down.
The sun makes all the difference. Whereas a house in the sun will hardly cool down, one under the shade will. It is the difference between sipping lemonade under a tree in front of your house and balancing a beach ball in the scorching sun.
Ever get out of a hot car and get socked with hot air? That’s what your air conditioner is fighting when it’s hot outside. The air outside is ‘hot’, like a hot air balloon. It’s a lot of work to cool it down, so even an overpowered air conditioner may need a break.
Consider maintenance before blaming the AC maker. Maintenance, though less glamorous than new gadgets or summer fashion, is crucial: regular check-ups and cleaning can avoid many emergency repairs.
Don’t go blaming anybody just yet, since it could be a case of the electrical system in the house giving out due to intense heat. Summer storms can easily cause power surges that overload AC circuits. Just as a surfeit of cake upsets your stomach, so does too much current upset the works. If it’s a hot day and you don’t have A/C, don’t sweat it-you are not alone. Sometimes air conditioners just stop working; it’s not personal. And before you go replacing it with a fan, remember: it is working pretty hard too.
How to Prepare Your AC for Unpredictable Weather by: Sanford Orchard
It was one of those really sticky summer afternoons, and to make things worse, my air conditioner just would not work. Heat waves and early autumn chills had given it shock. I thought, Maybe I should have saved the emergency service number. A real taste of Tennessee heat and humidity will help understand the agony of being unprepared. Before you start to sweat over it, think about saving your air conditioner from unpredictable weather. Long life requires regular maintenance.
Your AC is clogged much like some out-of-tune violin with all that dust. It may have more pine needles at the outdoor unit than are in that koala’s house.
Garbage, leaves, and dirt end up in the wrong places.
Clean up after use. Leave it tidy for next time.
These filters clean the air and need to be changed every month. The choked filter will consume much energy and lower down the cooling efficiency. Change for best performance.
Fun surprises in each season. The system controls sudden temperature changes. Like a GPS to your house-smart thermostats do just that: shift only when the time calls for it. Set it and forget it-stay out of messy situations when the temperatures do their flip-flopping. Refrigerant leaks stealthily. Soapy water helps find gas leaks in a struggling unit. Low refrigerant resembles a tired race runner. Professionals should be called, unless you re a Carl Spackler type. Check for drainage to avoid clogs and disasters. The standing water invites mold to dinner, rather unwanted. Clear drains sooner than later for less hassle.
Electrical connections are important. Curiosity can lead an attic animal to chew on wires, creating other problems in turn. Such an accident can only be avoided through regular checks: waking up on a very hot day to a broken AC because some lousy wiring. Consider the location: Is the unit set under the shade? Maybe all it needs is a little barrier or some landscaping to protect it from heat so that it keeps running cool. Light taps of your air conditioner are nice. The air inside does need attention, as choked vents mute the sound much like a sweater does. Let it breathe and let it blow free-free of furniture and curtains-for a cool summer.
This can be helpful in listening to your system. It should hum along softly, like some stealthy ninja, but most of the time, it clunks along noisily-like some feisty dishwasher. Strange noises are a warning that something is coming-your AC’s version of an early warning system. Anxiety can easily raise the white flag, while preparedness makes it easier to dig in and fight on. Casual discussions with the AC expert iron out many issues. A working AC prepares you for anything the weather may throw your way. You’ll handle unpredictable changes with a cool, triumphant smirk.